Oorsig van Modules / Module Previews

Kliek op enige van die modules waarvan u die inleiding wil lees. Kliek daarna op die “tablet” en dan kan u met die muis op en af beweeg binne die “tablet om die inleiding te lees. Indien u op of af wil beweeg op die bladsy, kliek op die wit gedeelte van die bladsy, of herlaai die hele blad.

Module 1
Die Wese van Dissipelskap

Een van die baie effektiewe maniere van dissipelskap wat in die kerk voor die Reformasie ontwikkel is, is die proses van geestelike begeleiding (spiritual direction). Ongelukkig het baie van die wysheid wat sodoende deur die kerk opgedoen is, mettertyd verlore geraak. Vandag is daar weer ʼn herontdekking van die waarde daarvan en word geestelike begeleiers (spiritual directors), weer oral deur kerke opgelei.

In die proses van geestelike begeleiding word daar van die veronderstelling uitgegaan dat God op pad is met elke mens. Elkeen van ons is op ʼn reis, ons is nie maar net toevallig waar ons is nie. Op hierdie reis is God besig om in ons lewens te werk en vir ons te probeer duidelik maak wat sy wil vir ons lewens is. Deur middel van geestelike begeleiding word mense dan begelei om te leer onderskei waarmee God besig is in hulle lewens. Die kuns van dissipelskap, soos ek dit sien, is dan ook niks anders as juis dit nie, om te leer onderskei waarmee God besig is in jou lewe.

Met hierdie modules van dissipelskap, wil ek graag mede gelowiges begelei om hierdie kuns te ontwikkel, om te kan raaksien en onderskei waarmee God in hulle lewens besig is. Wanneer mense leer om dit te doen, begin die lewe al hoe meer sin maak en begin mense ook hulleself en hulle eie rol hier op aarde beter verstaan. Om hiertoe te kan kom, is dit natuurlik van wesenlike belang om in ʼn lewende verhouding met God die Vader te leef van dag tot dag. ʼn Verhouding waarin en waardeur ek in toenemende mate God se Vaderliefde, sy goedheid, sy genade, sy omgee, sy versorging, sy troos, sy betrokkenheid by my lewe en sy leiding van dag tot dag leer ken en ervaar.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 2
Die Identiteit van ʼn Dissipel

In hierdie deel van ons dissipelskapreis, gaan ons veral konsentreer op ons nuwe identiteit in Christus, en ons gaan kyk hoe gedragsverandering plaasvind. Ons het reeds in die begin al uitgewys dat ‘n mens se identiteit (jou beskouing van jouself), jou gedrag bepaal. Jy sal sien dat Anderson in sy boek in hoofstukke 2 en 3, veral baie maak van jou nuwe identiteit en soms klink dit asof jy maar net verstandelik tot die regte insig oor jou identiteit moet kom en dan sal alles verander.

Dit is ongelukkig nie so eenvoudig nie. Om te verstaan wat ons erfenis in Christus alles inhou, is natuurlik belangrik, maar daar is meer as net dit by verandering van gedrag betrokke. Dit gaan hier oor gedragspatrone wat moet verander wat oor jare heen aangeleer en ingeoefen is. Om dit werklik te verander, is meer as net die kennisname van ‘n klompie feite nodig. Daarom wil ons in hierdie sessie kortliks kyk na wat alles betrokke is by die proses van gedragsverandering.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 3
Die Roeping van ʼn Dissipel

In hierdie volgende been van ons dissipelskap proses, wil ons jou graag verder op die pad van navolging van Christus begelei. In Modules 1 en 2 het ons baie aandag aan jou persoonlike verhouding met God gegee. In Modules 3 en 4 wil ons jou graag help om jou eie unieke roeping in God se koninkryk beter te verstaan en ook te begin uitleef (as jy dit nog nie doen nie).

Die pad van dissipelskap begin altyd met die uitnodiging om Hom te volg. Daardie eerste tyd van navolging is dan ‘n tyd waarin ons net volg, kyk, leer, luister, oplet, vra vrae en sit aan sy voete. Dit is presies ook wat die dissipels gedoen het vir drie en ‘n half jaar lank. Gedurende hierdie tyd gee die Here wel soms vir ons kleiner werkies om te doen (soos Hy ook vir sy dissipels gegee het). Ons kan dit sien as in-diens-opleiding. Daar sal egter ‘n tyd kom waar ons al duideliker sal begin hoor: “Soos die Vader my gestuur het, stuur Ek julle ook.” (Joh. 20:21).

In hierdie module gaan ons eers kyk na die pad wat God met Israel in die Ou Testament geloop het. In hierdie verhaal is daar baie waardevolle beginsels van dissipelskap opgesluit. Ons leer ook baie van roeping en dienswerk deur te kyk na hoe God toe al mense geroep en gebruik het. Ons sien ook alreeds in die Ou Testament dat die hart van dissipelskap uit 'n intieme verhouding tussen God en mens bestaan, 'n verhouding waarin Hy ons God wil wees en ons uitnooi om sy gehoorsame kinders te wees.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 4
Die Bediening van ʼn Dissipel

Welkom by die volgende fase van die dissipelskap proses. My gebed is werklik dat jy in hierdie fase nader sal kom aan die punt waar jy duidelikheid kry oor jou spesifieke roeping hier op aarde. Onthou, jy is nie maar sommer net hier nie, jy is met ’n doel hier. God wil jou gebruik in sy koninkryk. Hierdie module is spesifiek daarop afgestem om jou te help om te onderskei waar en hoe God jou wil gebruik. Natuurlik kan ons net riglyne gee. Jy sal dit self moet toepas en in jou verhouding met die Vader moet uitvind wat dit vir jou beteken om jou roeping in die praktyk van elke dag uit te leef.

Veral van belang in die module, is die “Rigtingwyser retraite” wat gehou sal word. Dit gebeur tydens ’n naweek waar ons jou baie meer spesifiek wil help om, onder leiding van die Heilige Gees, te onderskei presies hoe en waar God jou wil gebruik. Tydens die naweek gaan ons kyk na jou visie, jou persoonlikheidstyl en jou gawes. Maar nog meer as dit, ons gaan nie net vir jou help om jouself beter te verstaan nie, ons wil vir jou die geleentheid gee om by God stil te raak om te hoor wat op sy hart vir jou is. Daar is immers ’n rede waarom Hy aan jou ’n visie, ’n bepaalde tipe persoonlikheid en sekere gawes gee.

Hy wil jou as instrument in sy koninkryk gebruik. In voorbereiding vir die retraite, gaan ons jou nou al help om belangrike aspekte van jou roeping en gawes te onderskei. Daarvoor het ons ʼn Rigtingwyser bladsy op bladsy 150 sodat jy elke keer daar kan aantekeninge maak van dit wat vir jou duidelik word. Doen dit asseblief – dit sal jou baie help met die onderskeidingsproses.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 5
Die Hart van ʼn Dissipel

Baie kinders van die Here leef dikwels met 'n baie oppervlakkige verstaan van waaroor dit regtig gaan in die Bybel. Heel dikwels word die klem baie sterk daarop geplaas dat ons mense moet help om die sekerheid te verkry dat hulle "gered is en eendag sal hemel toe gaan." Dikwels bestaan mense se "dissipelskap" kursusse dan ook daarin om mense op te lei sodat hulle "vissers van mense" kan word. Mense wat weet hoe om dan nou ook ander mense te begelei tot op die punt dat hulle weet dat hulle gered is en eendag sal hemel toe gaan.

As ons egter die boodskap van die totale Bybel in ag neem, dan kom mens gou agter dat dissipelskap oor baie meer as dit gaan. God skep die mens oorspronklik as sy verteenwoordiger (Gen. 1:27), sodat Hy in en deur hulle op aarde kan heers. Die Bybel stel God aan ons bekend as die Koning van die heelal, wat ook alles geskep het en nou daaroor heers. Op die planeet aarde het Hy dan gekies om in en deur mense sy heerskappy uit toe voer, mense wat leef as sy verteenwoordigers. Ons sou ook kon sê: mense wat leef as sy leerlinge of dissipels. Mense wat weet dat hulle op hierdie planeet is om alleenlik maar in gehoorsaamheid aan die Koning te leef, sodat sy Naam daarmee grootgemaak kan word; sodat sy koninkryk op die wyse gedien kan word en kan ontwikkel volgens sy bedoeling; en sodat sy wil hier uitgevoer kan word en alles daarvolgens kan ontwikkel en groei.

As dit dan so duidelik is dat dit God se oorspronklike plan was, dan behoort dit ook duidelik te wees dat God nie iemand is wat sommer opgee op sy oorspronklike planne nie. Dit is nog altyd sy plan en bedoeling vir die planeet aarde. Ongelukkig het dit intussen gebeur dat die mens in opstand gekom het teen God, deur te kies om self "soos God" te wil wees. Daarmee het die mens gekies om nie langer onder God se heerskappy as sy verteenwoordigers (dissipels) te leef nie, maar eerder vir hulleself te leef. Hierdie lewe word gekenmerk deur 'n strewe daarna om jou eie naam groot te maak; om jou eie koninkryk te bou (vir jouself besittings bymekaar te maak en sodoende vir jouself sekuriteit te probeer skep); en om jou eie planne te maak en uit te leef. Dus om jou eie wil te doen.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 6
Die Gebed van ʼn Dissipel

Ek wil graag aan die begin van hierdie voorlaaste module van dissipelskap, net kortliks verduidelik wat ons doel met die module is. In die module wil ek graag twee van die belangrikste aspekte van die lewe van 'n dissipel, soos ek dit sien en beleef, probeer oordra. Beide gaan oor die rol van gebed in die lewe van 'n dissipel.

Die eerste gaan oor hoe om jou gedagtes voortdurend op God gefokus te hou. Vroeg in my eie pad van dissipelskap, het ek ervaar dat God van my vra om voortdurend my gedagtes op Hom te fokus. Ek het gedink dat dit nogal baie kan beteken en my voorgeneem om dit te begin doen. So ʼn paar weke later, het ek weer eendag in my stiltetyd ervaar dat God van my vra om op Hom te fokus. Skielik het die gedagte na vore gekom: “maar ek het dit mos al voorheen gehoor”. Ek het skielik besef dat daar niks gekom het van my vorige voorneme om meer op God te fokus nie.

Hierna het hierdie indruk nog verskeie kere na my gekom in my stiltetyd. Ek het al meer besef hoe belangrik dit is, maar ook hoe moeilik dit is. Mens se lewe is net só vol van allerhande goeters dat mens baie maklik heeltemal fokus op God verloor as jy eers die dag ingaan.

ʼn Klompie jare terug, terwyl ons met vakansie was, stap ek in ʼn geestelike boekwinkel in. Ek sien toe daar is ʼn klompie boeke op uitverkoping en stap nader om te kyk wat daar is. Ek kom toe op die boekie van Brother Lawrence af: “Practising the Presence of God.” Ek het dadelik geweet dat dit op daardie stadium die regte boek op die regte tyd vir my was. Ek wil dus graag met jou van die beginsels deel wat ek by Brother Lawrence geleer het.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 7
Die Wil van ʼn Dissipel

Soos wat ek self die pad van dissipelskap leer loop het oor die afge- lope klompie jare, het dit vir my al duideliker geword dat daar veral één belangrike aksent is wat in die lewe van 'n dissipel uitstaan, en dit is: om te leer onderskei waarmee God nóu besig is.

Ek kry die indruk dat baie van ons grootword met die idee dat onder- skeiding van God se wil iets is wat mens van tyd tot tyd moet doen, bv. wanneer jy groot besluite moet neem. Tog impleseer die woord “dissipels” alreeds dat ons leerlinge is, volgelinge, mense wat in 'n verhouding met ʼn Leermeester van dag tot dag leef. Mens kan tog nie net sommige dae 'n dissipel wees of ten opsigte van sommige sake probeer vasstel wat die Leermeester vir jou wil leer nie.

Juis daarom is onderskeiding van dit waarmee die Leermeester besig is deurlopend van belang. Ek glo die belangrikste motiverende faktor in die aanleer van so ʼn lewensstyl, is die ontdekking dat die Leer- meester ALTYD by my betrokke is en ALTYD besig is om vir my iets nuuts te leer. Daarom weet ek dat ek ALTYD leerling (dissipel) is en elke dag van Hom kán leer.

Juis daarom is onderskeiding as 'n leefwyse so belangrik vir die lewe van 'n dissipel van Jesus Christus. Hy is immers nie Iemand wat sy leer en oortuigings op ons afdwing nie. Nee, Hy nooi ons uit om Hom te volg, vrywilliglik en met oorgawe. Hy vra ons aandag en brand om vir ons te leer wat belangrik en goed is in die lewe, maar sal dit nie op ons afdwing nie.

Daarom het ek gevind dat die grootste struikelblok in 'n lewe van on- derskeiding, is die goetertjies waarmee ek besig is, die dinge wat ek- self graag wil doen en wat ek dink belangrik is. Daarmee bedoel ek ve- ral as my lewe nog daarop gerig is om vir myself ʼn naam te maak, vir myself 'n koninkryk te bou en om my eie wil te laat geskied.

Dan kan my aandag volledig opgeneem word deur my planne en ideale en is dit baie moeilik om genoeg tyd te vind om aandag te gee aan dit waarmee God besig is. Dan hou ek eerder vol om Hom by my lewe te probeer betrek.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 1
The Essence of Discipleship

Prior to the Reformation, one of the very effective ways of discipling that the church developed was the process of spiritual direction. Sadly much of the wisdom that the church acquired in this way, was gradually lost. Presently there is a rediscovery of the value that spiritual direction has, and as a result, spiritual directors are once again being trained in churches.

The point of departure within the process of spiritual direction is that God is on a journey with every person. It is not mere co-incidence that we happen to be where we are. On this journey God is at work in our lives trying to clarify what His will is for our lives. It is through spiritual direction that people are directed to learn to discern what God is doing in their lives. In my view, the art of discipleship is just that; learning to discern what God is doing in your life.

With these modules of discipleship, I want to guide fellow believers to develop this art of seeing and discerning what God is doing in their lives. Once people learn to do this, life begins to make more sense and people are able to better understand not only themselves but the role that they have on earth as well. To arrive at this point, it is of course crucial to have a living relationship with God the Father every day; the kind of relationship in and through which I increasingly come to know and experience the love of the Father, His goodness, His grace, His care, His nurturing, His comfort, His involvement in my life and His guidance.

This relationship commences when I respond to the invitation that Jesus extends: “Follow me”. As with His first disciples, I am invited to walk with Him. His first disciples responded to this calling by literally leaving everything and simply going with Him. During this time they did not do a lot for Him. They simply followed Him wherever He went. While doing it, they observed Him, listened to Him, and learnt from Him, got to know Him, spent time with Him, spoke to Him, looked at what He did and how He did it. In this way they were “trained” to become like Him, having the same values and convictions. After almost three years of training Jesus sent them out to, in turn, make disciples of others or, put differently, to direct others to live in the same manner.

I believe with all my heart that the road of Discipleship follows the same route even today. When we begin to follow Him, we must at first just follow, listen, watch, observe, converse, spend time and learn and learn and learn yet again. We must simply just be with Him, come to know Him and admire Him, learn to think like him, how He sees people, how He views the world, what His values and convictions are, so that we too can make these our own. It is the only way we are going to be able to discern what God is doing and what He is doing in each of our lives. If we are faithful in doing this we will also one day hear: “as the Father sent me, so I am sending you.”

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 2
The Identity of a Disciple

In this part of our discipleship journey, we are going to pay particular attention to our new identity in Christ and we are going to focus on how change in our behaviour takes place. We have already pointed out that a person’s identity (your view of yourself) has a direct effect on how you behave. You will see that in chapters 2 and 3 of his book, Anderson emphasises your new identity to the extent that it seems that you just have to come to a correct understanding of your identity and everything else will change. Unfortunately, it’s not so simple. Understanding what our inheritance in Christ is all about is important but there is more involved in changing our behaviour. We are talking about behavioural patterns that have been acquired and reinforced over the years. To truly change one needs more than just knowledge of a few facts. Therefore, in this session we will briefly look at what the process of changed behaviour entails.

Up to this point we have learnt much about our desires, our masks, our behaviour and ourselves. One thing that should be clear is that our behaviour needs to change if we are to become more Christ-like. Many of us often try hard to change ourselves, but we don’t succeed. It is however not surprising! Our own attempts at changing ourselves, generally result in us wearing masks. In other words, it is merely pretence without any real inner change. This shouldn’t surprise us because it’s only the Spirit of God that can change and renew us inwardly. This is precisely what is needed – a change from the inside. Read 2 Cor. 3:18 to confirm this.

You may be asking yourself whether you have any responsibility with regard to the needed change. Yes, you do have a responsibility. Earlier we pointed out that our responsibility is taking time to spend in God’s presence because it is his presence that changes us. It is when we spend time with God that his Spirit has the opportunity to change us from within.

The greatest damage to our personhood is caused to our inner world; deep within our inner being. It is here where the enemy succeeds in robbing us of our identity in Christ. He causes us to doubt our value as people; questioning the image that others have of us; whether we are acceptable or not; whether we can truly be forgiven for all our wrong doing; whether or not we are good enough as human beings. A person such as this, in effect, is actually then doubting their true identity.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 3
The Calling of a

With this next leg of the discipleship process, we would like to further direct you on the journey of following Christ. In Modules 1 and 2 we focussed specifically on your personal relationship with God. In Modules 3 and 4 we would like to help you better understand your unique calling within the kingdom of God and how to walk within your calling (if you are not yet doing so).

The journey of discipleship always begins with the invitation to follow Him. During the initial stages of this walk we merely follow, observe, learn, listen, pay attention, ask questions and sit at His feet. This is exactly what the disciples did for a period of three and a half years. It is during this time that the Lord sometimes gives us smaller tasks to perform (in the same way that He also did with His disciples). We might view this stage as ‘in service training’. However, the time will come when we will come to hear more clearly: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20:21).

In this module we are first going to take a look at the path that God walked with the Israelites in the Old Testament. Many valuable principles regarding discipleship are locked up in this story. Furthermore, by looking at how God then already called and involved people, we are able to learn much about calling and service. We then already see reflected in the Old Testament, what lies at the heart of discipleship: an intimate relationship between God and mankind; a relationship in which He desires to be our God and we are invited to become His obedient children.

God therefore does not call us simply to go to heaven one day, while we build our own little kingdoms as we see fit in the meantime. No, we are called as disciples (pupils and followers), who learn from Him what really matters in life, so that we can be His representatives on earth. Then a time will come when He will send us to do the work that He has prepared for us (Eph. 2:10). This work could encompass anything.

To some it may mean that they continue working where they are at the moment, with the only difference being a new approach and commission; the difference would be that they realise that they are in their current circumstances with a specific purpose, i.e. to be a representative of the King of the universe. To others it may mean that they need to quit their jobs and do something totally different because the King needs them in another place. Whatever it may entail, of one thing I am certain: When you embark on the journey of discipleship in which you are getting to know God for who He truly is, you won’t want anything else for your own life besides that to which He is calling you. It will no longer pose a threat to you but will bring you only excitement and joy.

In the second half of the manual our aim is to specifically guide you in a direction that will bring you closer to the point where you realise where it is that the King needs you and wants to involve you. We will therefore be discussing what it truly means when we say that each of us has a specific calling and what it means to be sent.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 4
The Ministry of a

Welcome to the next phase of the Discipleship process. My prayer is that through this you will come closer to getting clarity on what your specific calling is here on earth. Remember, you don’t just happen to be here; you are here for a purpose. God wants to involve you in His kingdom. This module has been structured specifically to help you discern where and how God wants to involve and use you. We can naturally only give guidelines. You will need to apply them and in your relating to the Father, establish what this calling entails specifically for you.

Of importance in this module is the “Direction Indicator Retreat” that will be presented. It takes place over a weekend where, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, we want to assist you to discern and discover more specifically, where and how God wants to involve and use you. During this weekend we look at your vision, your personality style and your gifts. Moreover, we are not only going to help you to better understand these things, we want to give you the opportunity to become quiet before God to hear what is on His heart for you. After all, there is a reason why He has given you a vision, a particular personality and specific gifts. He wants to use you as an instrument in His kingdom.

In essence Discipleship is about us following Christ, listening to His voice so that we eventually get to the place where He can also actively send us out into His kingdom and use and involve us according to His intention and purposes. For every person that discovers this and who lives his life accordingly, a complete new way of living opens up here on earth; a very exciting way of living; a way of living that is full of surprises, full of hope, full of new life where he is able to become fully part of the working and plan of the incredible, creative and loving God that we serve.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 5
The Heart of a

Many children of the Lord often live with a very superficial understanding of what the Bible really is about. Very often, the emphasis is very much on helping people gain the assurance that they are "saved and will one day go to heaven." Often people's "discipleship" courses therefore consist in training people to become "fishers of men". People who know how to guide other people to the point that they know they are saved and will one day go to heaven.

However, when we consider the message of the entire Bible, one soon discovers that discipleship is about much more than that. God originally created man as his representative (Gen. 1:27), so that He could rule in and through them on earth. The Bible introduces God to us as the King of the universe, who also created everything and now reigns over it. On the planet earth, He then chose to exercise His rule in and through people, people who live as His representatives. We could also say: people who live as his pupils or disciples. People who know that they are on this planet to live only in obedience to the King, so that his Name may be glorified through them; so that his kingdom may be served and developed in that manner; and so that His will can be performed here and everything can develop and grow accordingly.

If then it is clear that this was God's original plan, then it should also be clear that God is not someone who gives up on his original plans. This has always been his plan and intent for planet earth. Unfortunately, in the meantime, it happened that man rebelled against God by choosing to be "like God" himself. In doing so, man chose not to live under God's rule as his representatives (disciples) anymore, but to live for themselves. This life is characterized by an aspiration to glorify your own name; to build your own kingdom (gathering possessions for yourself and thus trying to secure yourself); and to make and live your own plans. So to do your own will.

The Bible is now the book that tells us what God has done to bring us back under His rule so that we can learn again how to live as His representatives (disciples). The purpose of this is quite simple, so that we can learn how to: make God's name great (not our own); To serve God's kingdom (not just our own); Doing God's will and joining in with His plans (not just dealing with our own).

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 6
The Prayer of a

I would like to start this penultimate module of discipleship with a brief explanation of the aim of this module. Here I want to convey two of the most important aspects of the life of a disciple as I see and experience it. Both are dealing with the role of prayer in the life of a disciple.

The first is about how to constantly keep your thoughts focussed on God. Already early in my journey of discipleship, I experienced that God was nudging me to constantly direct my thoughts on Him. I thought that it could be meaningful and resolved to begin doing it. A few weeks later I once again felt that God was prompting me to focus on Him. It suddenly dawned on me: “But haven’t I heard this before?”. I suddenly realized that nothing had come of my previous intention to be more focussed on God.

After this, the impression repeatedly came to me on different occasions in my quiet time. I increasingly realized how important it is but also how difficult it can be. One’s life is simply so full of all sorts of things that it is very, very easy to lose one’s focus on God once you enter the day.

A few years back while we were on vacation, I walked into a spiritual bookstore. I saw there were a few books on sale. Upon taking a closer look I came across a book of Brother Lawrence: “Practising the Presence of God.” I instantly knew that it was meant for me, the right book at the right time. I would therefore like to share with you some of the principles that I learnt from Brother Lawrence.

The second aspect concerns the practice of “the prayer of the heart”. Over the past few years in my reading and through my contact with the Coptic Orthodox Church, I came across more and more of the writings of the so-called desert Fathers, as well as people who wrote about this tradition. I came to realise just how important the aspect of living in obedience to the call to “pray without ceasing” was to them (1 Thess 5:17). I also gradually realized that the manner in which they learnt to express their obedience to this call, in the way they lived, directly resulted in their living lives that were more focussed on God.

In due course these men and women of God developed important disciplines that helped them to truly live in the presence of God. We will therefore also look at these disciplines in detail with particular reference to the “Jesus Prayer” and “The Prayer of the Heart”.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots

Module 7
The Will of a

As I have learnt to travel along the path of discipleship over the last number of years myself, it has become more and more clear to me that there is especially one important aspect that is stressed and is more noticeable in the lives of disciples than any other, and that is: to learn to discern with what God is busy now, at this moment.

I seem to get the impression that many of us have grown up with the idea that the discernment of the will of God is something we only need to do from time to time, for example when you have to make major decisions. Yet the word “disciples” already indicate that we are students, followers, people who are in a relationship with a Teacher from day to day. You surely cannot only be a disciple some days or only discern what the Teacher wants to teach you regarding certain aspects of some matters.

That is precisely why discernment of what the Teacher is busy with at the moment is continuously important. I believe the most important motivating factor in mastering such a lifestyle, is discovering that the Teacher is ALWAYS involved in my life and ALWAYS busy teaching me something new. This is why I know that I am always a student (disciple) and I can learn from Him each day. This is exactly why discernment as a way of life is so important in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. He is after all not Someone who forces His teachings and doctrine upon us. No, He invites us to follow Him, freely and with abandonment. He requires our attention and is eager to teach us what is important and good in life, but He would never enforce this upon us.

This is why I have found that the greatest stumbling blocks in a life of discernment are the little things that take up my time, the things that I want to do and that I regard as important. What I mean is that if my life is still focussed on making a name for myself, on building my own kingdom and to let my own will be done. Then my attention can be completely taken over by my own plans and ideals and it would be very difficult to find enough time to give any attention to that with which God is busy. Then I rather keep on trying to involve Him in my life.

However, when I come to the realization that I have been created with a purpose, that God wants to involve me, yes, me, in His plans, that He wants to make me a part of that with which He is busy on earth, then only it becomes more important for me to discover what he is truly doing. Both in my life and around me. Then discernment becomes one of the greatest adventures imaginable, because I, negligible human being, become aware of the fact that I am called to become part of something that is immeasurably greater than I could ever have imagined. A life in which it is not all about me, but about God and His will for the world. Even if it takes me a very long time to acquire this lifestyle, each and every small step will be an encouragement to take the next step. The more I experience of this, the more I want to experience of it. In this manner my understanding of discipleship grows day by day, until I cannot and do not want to contain it and I feel the need to share it with others, because I would not like anyone to go without also having this experience!

May you also become aware of and experience this as you continue on this journey with us.

  © Excerpt - Deon Loots